What is pulse wave therapy?

Pulse Wave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment in which high-frequency sound waves are administered to the body to stimulate healing in damaged tissues. Pulse wave therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms, promoting blood flow and reducing inflammation.

How does shockwave therapy (pulse wave therapy) work?

Pulse wave therapy works by delivering high-energy acoustic waves to the affected area. The energy waves penetrate deep into the tissues, creating “microtrauma,” triggering the body’s natural healing response. The healing response includes increased blood flow, the release of growth factors, and the formation of new blood vessels, all of which foster the regeneration of damaged tissue.

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man after pulse wave therapy in Glendale

An alternative to surgery: Pulse wave therapy at Arch Medical Group

Pulse wave therapy is often used as an alternative to surgery or medication and does not have side effects. When undergoing treatment with pulse wave therapy, you can expect no discomfort or pain and can return to your usual activities immediately after treatment. The therapy is also relatively quick, with most sessions lasting between 15 and 30 minutes.

What can pulse wave therapy treat?

Pulse wave therapy is a groundbreaking treatment that has brought incredible results for a range of physical conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Shoulder pain
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Scar tissue reduction

Benefits of pulse wave therapy

Pulse wave therapy offers several benefits over traditional treatments. It is non-invasive, with no need for surgery or injections. It is relatively painless, with most patients reporting only mild discomfort during treatment. Additionally, pulse wave therapy has been shown to be effective in treating conditions that have not responded well to other treatments, including chronic tendinitis.

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The treatment experience

The treatment involves the use of a handheld device that delivers shockwaves (high-energy sound waves) to the affected area. The treatment is performed while you are resting on a comfortable chair or treatment bed. It can take from a few minutes to half an hour. You may experience mild discomfort or pain during treatment, but this is reasonably easy to tolerate. After the treatment, some patients may experience temporary soreness or bruising in the treated area, but this usually resolves within a few days.

When will you see the results of pulse wave therapy?

The time it takes for shockwave therapy to relieve pain or treat another condition varies, depending on the condition being treated and the individual patient. Some patients enjoy immediate relief of symptoms from a single treatment. Others may require several weeks or even months for the full benefits to be achieved.

For the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries such as plantar fasciitis or tennis elbow, it is normal to expect some pain relief after the first treatment, but for optimal results, several sessions should be administered. In treating erectile dysfunction, patients may require a series of treatments over several weeks to achieve a significant improvement in their symptoms.

What is the recovery time?

As shockwave therapy is non-invasive, it does not require downtime or recovery. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities immediately. Some may experience some temporary soreness or bruising in the treated area. You should avoid strenuous activity or exercise for a few days after the treatment. If you experience soreness or bruising, apply ice or heat therapy, stretching, or other simple home treatments.

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Why choose Arch Medical Group for pulse wave therapy?

At Arch Medical Group, we focus on treating the root cause of chronic health conditions – not just masking symptoms. We take an in-depth, patient-focused approach to treatment and are dedicated to improving the long-term health of our patients without side effects.

We are proud to have helped thousands of patients achieve happier, healthier lives with our range of advanced treatments, reducing symptoms and pain and accelerating healing. We take a whole-body approach to health and offer the highest level of personalized care. Our first concern is the needs of the patient.

We listen to their complaints and work closely with them with open, caring communication, performing the ideal therapies to enhance overall health. We have seen remarkable improvements with pulse wave therapy and offer this treatment as a non-invasive, safe, and effective treatment.


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